contact us
Feel free to browse through our site and add items to your shopping cart. If you do not see the items you are looking for, please send us your inquiry by filling out the form above.
How Do I Place An Order?
You can conveniently place an order on this site using the shopping cart. We can also provide you with the link to our eBay store for some of the newer and sales items you do not find on this site. If you have any questions about product details, availability or custom-made items that you wish to get immediate answers for, feel free to call us M-S 8:30am-5:30pm at 718-788-8988.
Payment and Shipping
We accept Paypal payment and all major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover). Payments need to be cleared before items will be shipped. We take great care in packaging every item to ensure safe shipment to you. We charge a shipping fee only to cover our costs of materials and labor. Once your order has been processed and we have received cleared payment, your item will be dispatched as soon as possible.
Returns & Refunds
There is a 20% restocking fee applied to all authorized returns. Buyer pays for shipping fees BOTH ways. All return authorization MUST be issued by contacting us FIRST otherwise the returns will be rejected.
Genuinely faulty goods will be replaced or money refunded, however we must be advised of any faulty goods upon receipt of the item. If the item is found to be faulty, we will also refund the postage cost.