Outdoor Condensing Unit 2 HP, Low Temp, R404A, 220V/1PH
Assembled with QT AWA2460ZXD Compressor. One Year Manufacturer's Warranty.
DImensinons: 28-1/2''L X 25-5/8''W X 19''H
Outdoor QT AWA2479ZXD Unit 2 HP, R404A, 220V/1PH
PriceFrom $1,660.00
Product Specifications
B/M 2C2114-9 Compressor # AWA2460ZXD HP 2 Height 16.2" Length 24" Liquid Conn. 3/8" ODF Max. Fuse Size 25 Min. Circuit Amps 17.1 Phase 1 Pressure Control Dual Receiver Capacity Lbs. 9.8 Refrigerant R404A Suction Conn. 7/8" ODF Volts 208-230 Width 19.4" BtuH Capacity @ -10°F Evap. 7871 BtuH Capacity @ -20°F Evap. 5,925 BtuH Capacity @ -30°F Evap. 4,080 BtuH Capacity @ -40°F Evap. 2,337 BtuH Capacity @ -5°F Evap. 8,895 BtuH Capacity @ 0°F Evap. 9,918 BtuH Capacity @ 10°F Evap. 12,067 All units charged with ester oil and dry nitrogen denote Minimum Circuit Ampacity and Maximum Fuse Size BtuH capacity ratings below are based on 90°F ambient and listed evaporator temperature