Supco Ultimate 3 N'1 Relay Overload & Capacitor 1/4-1/3 HP
Supco Part # URCO410 or URCO420
Voltage: 115V or 230V (Pick @ Shoppping Cart)
*Can be connected to run capacitor
For refrigeration systems with run capacitor, the URCO Series replaces the starting relay, the overload and provides added boost for start-up by adding start capacitor.
Ultimate Relay Overload & Capacitor 1/4-1/3 HP
Out of Stock
- Completely pre-wired, it includes: . Relay . Overload . Start Capacitor Replaces relay, capacitor and overload Designed for modern high efficiency compressors Helps older compressors to start and run cooler Easy mount clip for quick installation Easy to read instructions Prevents low voltage starting problems